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Article Review: Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Lower Back Pain

 Reference this Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   Three Article title and source being reviewed: Lee, J., Choi, T., Lee, S., Shin, C., Lee, H. Acupuncture for acute low back pain: a systematic review (2013) Clinical Journal of Pain. Feb;29(2):172-85. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0b013e31824909f9. Hopton, A., Thomas, K., MacPherson, H. (2013) The Acceptability of Acupuncture for Low Back Pain: A Qualitative Study […]

Nerve Conduction Physiology

BASIC PHYSIOLOGY OF NERVE CONDUCTION The neurons form the building blocks of the nervous system. The central nervous system (CNS) contains about 100 billion neurons. It also contains 10–50 times this number of glial cells. Neurons Neurons in the mammalian central nervous system come in many different shapes and sizes. Most of them have the […]

Biomechanics of the Hip Joint and Causes of Dislocation

PART 1: The biomechanics of the hip joint is quite complex due to the pelvic motion, alongside the range of movements it produces. In science, biomechanics is the study of forces acting on a living body. Due to its anatomical figure and secure attachments of muscles and ligaments, the hip is quite mobile. The orientation […]

Body Building and Steroids Effect on the Body

What do all these names have in common? Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Flex Wheeler and Rich Piana, yet many may say that it’s the fact that they all looked superhumans being 10x the size of a normal human or that they were all regarded as the top bodybuilders of all time at some […]

Body Shape and Gender

Body Shape and Gender differences in ratings. Introduction Body image is the way people perceive themselves and equally important, the way they think others perceive them. Body image is constantly changing, and is always being modified by biological growth, trauma, or decline. It is also significantly influenced and moulded by life circumstances which bring about […]

Brain Structures and Functions

Abstract The reason for this paper is to examine the main structures as well as functions of the brain, in addition to the ways that it affects how humans learn. When discussing the brain, it is critical to comprehend the principal functions of its elements, the way in which the process takes place within the […]

Calculating Blood Components of Cholesterol Research Design

 Reference this Share this: Facebook  Twitter  Reddit  LinkedIn  WhatsApp   Good health is absolutely important to a human being and to remain healthy people need to check their blood level parameters. Cholesterol is a very important constituent of over100 constituents in human blood. It is important to develop an instrument wherein blood parameters can be calculated which will be non-invasive, user […]

Cardiac Anatomy and Function

The anatomy of the human heart is the same as a lamb’s heart. A heart is a cardiac muscle that works by relaxing and contracting to pump blood around the body by double circulation, where both sides of the heart work to pump deoxygenated and oxygenated blood to the tissues and lungs at the same […]

Causes and Treatments for Achilles Tendon Injury

Background and Significance: Tendons serve to connect bones with muscle or muscle with muscle, and they are very important because they allow us to perform many functions and without them we would lose almost all of our motor capabilities. In this proposal, one specific tendon is targeted, the Achilles tendon. Tendons has can either be […]

Cell Communication: Receptors and Ligands

Cell Communication: Receptors and Ligands Abstract The connection between ligand binding to eliciting physiological responses is a fundamental mechanism that is a major characteristic of organisms. In this lab, we observed Daphnia Magna’s heart rateunder the influence of various type of drugs, and were able to measure the effects of ligand binding through evaluating their […]