Australian Hip-Hop has become a powerful force in Australia’s contemporary music industry (Crooke and Hutchings 1). It is a genre that has become popular with Indigenous Australian musicians, drawing attention to the wrongdoings of Australia’s cultural history (White 113). Hip-Hip, as a genre, is often understood as a tool for marginalised minority to ‘talk back’ […]
A Christian Music Guide
estrictions of meter are known as plainsong. Often plainsong is also sung alone. A carol usually celebrates joy and celebration such as the Christmas carols. They are accompanied with dancing and loud singing in groups. An oratorio is a musical composition accompanied with orchestra and chorus depicting a sacred tale without any kind of stage […]
A correlational study on music preference
INTRODUCTION Music has long been said to have influenced the lives of every individual in ways which are more than the imaginable. More than setting the mod, it makes us remember things which happened long time ago and it makes us imagine a bright future through its melody and rhythm. Overtime, based on the philosophical […]
Aesthetics In Piano Music From Romanticsm To Modernism Music Essay
Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn WhatsApp ‘Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty’ (Aesthetics, 2010, Online). It is also a study of relationship between human and reality in an aesthetical investigation. Arts is the main object of investigation particularly, where its essence of […]
African American Music and the NWA
African American musicians have used music as a way make their voice heard and spread the message of the ongoing civil rights movement. One of the most notable groups to do this was Niggaz Wit Attitudes (N.W.A.), a hip-hop group that consisted of five members: Eazy-E, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, MC Ren, and DJ Yella. […]
Aleatoric Music Of The 20th Century Music Essay
compositional and instrumental methods utilized by John Cage. The biographical background, educational influences and examples of the musical compositions of Cage will also be illustrated. This paper continues by describing the various methods and processes employed by John Cage in the formation of music written during the minimalist movement. Contrived instruments, ambient audience noise, non-traditional […]
Aleatory And Compositions Of John Cage Music Essay
compositional and instrumental methods utilized by John Cage. The biographical background, educational influences and examples of the musical compositions of Cage will also be illustrated. This paper continues by describing the various methods and processes employed by John Cage in the formation of music written during the minimalist movement. Contrived instruments, ambient audience noise, non-traditional […]
Analysing The Reggae Music Genre Music Essay
Reggae, although not as popular as it was a few decades ago, is one of the most widely appreciated genres is modern music history. With reggae being so widely spread almost everyone could recite a reggae lyric even if they are not fans of the music and influential artists such as the legendary Bob Marley […]
Analysis Of Bohemian Rhapsody Music Essay
“Bohemian Rhapsody” was recorded by the British rock band queen. Released in October 31, 1975, Bohemian Rhapsody was greeted like a miracle from heaven in the largely barren musical ground of the mid-Seventies. At the time it was produced like most expensive single. Brian May thought of that the track’s main album “A night At […]
Analysis of Monteverdi’s “L’Incoronazione Di Poppea”
Though Western music is not alone amongst world’s music that was being written down, the idea that the music score itself takes a place of priority in this tradition is somewhat unique. Yet, it is not even clear that the way in which nowadays we typically consider the music score itself as a kind of […]